Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

I have had such a blast this year learning and growing.  It all happened so fast!

I'm on the move and am the fastest crawler ever.  I'm also a pro at cruising the furniture.  I'm getting better at standing up without holding on.  I like to walk with my learn to walk train. 

I'm babbling like crazy, but no real words yet. 

I love eating big people food and have an outstanding appetite.  My tummy has successfully handled yogurt and cheese, so today I get to try whole milk.  I'm happy drinking out of my sippy cup, but I still prefer to have someone else hold it for me. 

I enjoy interacting with people and am also great at entertaining myself. 

I like to watch baby signing time.  It makes me smile.  :)

Still, my most favorite thing to do is suck my thumb...

I'm including pictures from my birthday party.  I only tried a taste or two of the frosting.  I wasn't that interested in eating my cake, but I sure had fun banging the heck out of it.  

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Saturday, October 25, 2014

11 months...

I'm such a ham and am growing like a weed! 
I have 2 new teeth, which makes a grand total of 6. 
I've learned how to climb stairs and am quite proud of my accomplishment.  I'm cruising around furniture too,  and even stood up without holding on for a few seconds. Oh yeah, I've said DaDa a few times, but it's unrelated to my daddy.   
I'm eating big people food and really seem to enjoy chewing.  It's also fun to feed myself.  About a week ago, I decided I no longer wanted to drink from a  bottle.  I don't miss it considering Mommy was going to take it away from me once I turn 1.  However, I'm not too interested in drinking milk out a my sippy cup either.  I seem to enjoy water a little more.   Mommy's bothered that she's having to dump milk that her body has worked so hard to make.  I guess I can't blame her.  I will have to try harder. 
I love playing peek a boo, and so big is great fun too. 
I'm excited to celebrate my 1st Halloween next week. Tune in then to see me in my costume. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014


10 months it is! 

I love to crawl.  I'm now super fast!  I can even pull myself up to stand, then sit back down and crawl some more.  I don't really walk around furniture while holding on yet, but I'm close. 

I now have 4 teeth.  My 2 top canines just popped through.  I look like I have fangs and  Halloween isn't until next month. 

I'm still eating twice a day and continue to be a fantastic eater.  I've mastered drinking out of the sippy cup, although I'd rather have someone else hold it for me while I drink. 
I love to eat puffs!  The baby cheeto crunchers are super delicious too.

I'm a happy guy and love to laugh.  My giggle is contagious. 

I continue to suck my thumb.  It's my best friend. 

I still have a blast jumping the jumperoo, but my new favorite game is chasing around Evelyn and Isaac.  It never gets old.   :) 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I can't believe I'm 6 years old today.  Time really does fly.  I just started kindergarten and I'm loving every minute of it.  I go 5 days a week from 8:30 to 3:00.  My teacher is so thrilled that I already know how to read.  I really enjoy learning and I'm so excited for a great school year.

I'm enrolled in gymnastics again and have been doing quite well.  What helps me is that I have no fear.  I'm great at doing cartwheels and front flips into the foam pit. 

I advanced to the next level in swimming lessons.  I'm quite the little fish.  I even passed the swim test so I can go down the water slide even though I'm not tall enough.

I lost my very first tooth.  The tooth fairy left me $5.  I have another one that is kind of wiggly. 

I just learned how to ride my bike with no training wheels.  You wouldn't believe how excited I am. 

Lately I've been able to tolerate some gluten without any ill effects.

I like to color, do arts and crafts, sing and dance, play with dolls and play on the iPad.

Hugs to all!

Monday, August 25, 2014

9 months

I'm 9 months old today!  I've officially been "out" as long as I was "in".  lol...

I'm crawling!!!  I'm new to the mobility world, so I'm not as speedy as I will be one day.  I'm working on my confidence and coordination.  I love the new freedom crawling brings.  I've also learned how to clap.  It's great fun!   I'm proud of my new skills. 

I now have 2 teeth!  I'm a drool monster too, so more probably aren't far off. 

I'm eating stage 2 baby food twice a day, with Puffs as a snack.  There are SO many food combinations with stage 2 foods.  Yummy, yummy, yummy!  Both rice and oatmeal cereal bother my tummy, in different ways.    The tummy doctor said I don't need to eat cereal since I'm not happy when I do, so Mommy isn't giving it to me.  I've tried drinking from a sippy cup once.  It was clear I'm not quite ready. 

I love to blow raspberries, scream, and mimic sounds.  I try to hold conversations with anyone who talks to me.  

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Hooray!  Today I am 4 years old.  We celebrated my birthday yesterday.  Daddy took the day off of work so the family could watch me at soccer camp.  Then we went to the new McDonald's for lunch.  Next, we went to swim at the pool.  We had pizza for dinner.  Grandma and Grandpa joined us.  We ended the celebration day by going to the concert at the park in Hawthorn Woods. What a great time! 

I'm doing really well.  I'm still a super sweet boy.  I'm courteous, and aware of other people's feelings.  I'm good at taking turns and sharing too. 

I'm an awesome eater and sleeper.  I still take a nap a few times a week and don't seem to mind taking the break from playing. 

I like to play with imaginext toys by fisher price and 100 piece puzzles.  My favorite characters remain as Woody and Buzz.  I also still love the Amazing Spiderman, but Batman and Superman have proved to be quite cool too. 

I can write my name decently these days.  I'm not too interested in writing many other letters, or numbers, or coloring either.  That's too much sitting still.  I'd much rather be moving. 

I start the 4 year old preschool class in a couple weeks.  I will go 3 days a week from 8am to 1pm.   I'm looking forward to it.